Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School

"love learning"

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Welcome to Beech!



Y2 Musical: Eddie and The Penguins

Our Y2 Trip to Whipsnade Zoo

Designing our own Quiz using Scratch Jr in Computing

Carrying out Fieldwork and Creating own Maps of the Junior School Playground in Geography

Taking Part in a Caribbean Music Workshop with Mrs Campbell

Learning about the Jewish Festival of Sukkot in RE and creating our own Sukkahs

Learning How to Play the Ukulele

Creating a Class Story Map for The Great Kapok Tree in English

Visiting the Junior School Playground for Fieldwork in Geography to identify Human and Physical Features

Creating Transient Art from Materials found in Forest School

Using the Large Apparatus to Create a Sequence with a Partner

Practising different types of rolls in Gymnastics including log rolls, stunt rolls, teddy bear rolls and forward rolls

Having fun in the rain in Forest School!

Exploring the Importance of Prayer and Reflection in RE in the context of Buddhism

Y2 Trip to St Albans Synagogue

Making Music in Forest School

Learning to play the djembe drum in Music

Creating Tie Dye T-shirt in Art

Creating our own story maps for English based on the Story of The Sea Monster by Chris Wormell

Designing a Beetbot Mat and creating an algorithm to get from A to B avoiding obstacles

Learning the names and values of different coins in Maths for the topic of money

Researching Facts about the Continent of Africa in Geography using an Atlas

Sharing Home Learning about Animals and their habitats from around the world

Learning about Algorithms in Computing

Experimenting with clay tools to create patterns in Art

Christmas Coding Breaking Games: Developing Teamwork Skills

An exciting visit from Christmas Reindeer

Creating Christingles to understand the significance of light at Christmas in RE

Exploring Malleability of Materials in Science

Understanding Diwali in RE and Creating Rangoli Patterns

Planning and Creating Castles in DT

Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week

PE: Games Practising Ball Control - throwing, catching and kicking with accuracy and control

Writing Chocolate Poems in English inspired by Michael Rosen

Learning about the importance of Information Technology in shops in Computing

Creating Harvest boxes to give to local families in RE

Adding and Subtracting 9 and 11 using a 100s square in Maths

Learning about the importance of the Jewish celebration of Shabbat in RE

Year 2 23-24 Art creating mixed media collages

My New Class - Transition Booklet - Beech

Y2 Play: Dragon Days

A fabulous violin concert from one of our Y2 musicians - thank you!

Beech Class Rounders - PE

Mud Day 2023

Trip to the Seaside

The Pantry Workshop: Eat the Rainbow which focused on teaching the children about a balanced diet

Practising Weaving in Forest School

DT and Art - Learning how to thread a needle and sew a running stitch

History: Fabulous Coronation Regalia created for Home Learning

Using Fabric Pens to add Coronation Designs to our T-shirts

Coronation Chalk Art

Acting out The Coronation Ceremony

Creating Tie Dye T-shirt for The Coronation

Learning How to Light a Fire and Roasting Apple and Pear

Exploring Volume in the sunshine today for our Maths topic on Units of Measure

Using Scratch Junior to programme algorithms

Art and Music: How do different pieces of music make us feel? The children responded using a range of different media.

Fabulous Coronation-inspired Home Learning

Learning How to use a Flint and Steel Fire Starter in Forest School

Summer Term 1: Exploring Mass by estimating and weighing classroom objects

Science Week: Hansel and Gretel: Writing invisible instructions using wax and designing and creating a contraption to deliver the instructions to Gretel in an attempt to help her find her way home!

Science Week: Exploring light and colour with Professor Jones

Science Week: Exploring the impact of different liquids on enamel

Science Week: Evaluating different types of toothpaste!

A Visit from Dr McComb - Learning about the importance and role of doctors

Magical Maths Workshop

World Book Day 2023: Beech Class

Djembe Drumming Workshop

Exploring Nets and Creating 3D shapes in Maths

Designing and Creating a Garment for Ore Owl in DT

Transient Art in Forest School

Waterproofing Experiments in Science

Creating a Gymnastics Sequence in PE

Enrichment visit from The Pantry to learn about a balanced diet and different food groups

Chocolate Poems inspired by Michael Rosen

Year 2 Beech Class 2022-2023

Class Treat - Teddy Bear's Picnic!

Beech Class made their own comic this week and enjoyed reading them to each other today!

The Bee Musical - Year 2 Play 2022!

In History, we created timelines to show the order of events in the disaster of The Titanic

World Book Day 2022 - Can you guess the characters?

Understanding Money in Maths

International Lego Day- Celebrating 64 Years of Lego

Science - living things and their habitats

Problem Solving in Maths

ICT - Learning how to programme an algorithm into a Beebot

The Magic Paintbrush - role play

The Magic Paintbrush - Junk Modelling of characters and important features in the story

Geography - Human and Physical Features

Geography Immersion Day - a fabulous start to the Spring Term

Forest School

In Science, we have been exploring manmade and natural materials

Learning about the Jewish Festival of Sukkot in RE

Junk Modelling our own robots inspired by the story 'Frank N Stan'

Exploring Properties of Materials in Science

Circus skills

Veg patch success (thanks to Mrs Maxwell!)

Mud day

Sports Day

Summer 1

Autumn 2

Beech Class Autumn 1 2020
