Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School

"love learning"

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Design and Technology

At Wheatfield’s Infants and Nursery school we value Design Technology as an exciting, practical subject which gives our learners opportunities to be creative and solve problems. They will apply skills which they have acquired in other areas of the curriculum. Wherever possible we try to create real life contexts for our projects e.g. making puppets to perform a puppet show or props for a play. We  aim to develop the children’s understanding of technology in the wider world by inviting visitors from the field to inspire and build on the enthusiasm of our pupils. This also allows the children to recognise the disciplinary knowledge which is common across a range of fields.

We cover the knowledge and skills required by the National Curriculum in a broad range of contexts which link to our Curriculum themes e.g. design and making castles during a history topic on Queen Elizabeth 1.


We believe that every child can engage with and participate in design and technology with the right kind of teaching and support. We have high expectations and believe that all children have the potential to succeed.


Each year the children will have the opportunity to work with food, wood, reclaimed materials and construction apparatus. They will explore different ways of joining materials and be taught to safely use a range of simple tools. In each unit pupils will have opportunities to design, make and evaluate  a product whilst developing their technological knowledge. Through this range of practical activities children will be introduced to, and use, subject specific  technical vocabulary.

Design and Technology Overview

Skills progression
