Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School

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Personal, Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E) aims to provide children with the tools, knowledge and understanding they need to become successful learners and be able to lead happy, healthy and independent lives. Since September 2020, it has been statutory for schools to deliver Relationships Social Education, which is done though PSHE. PSHE is taught via discreet lessons but is also continuously integrated into all aspects of school life including class routines, assemblies, the 3 Guiding Principles, Learning Heroes, Emotion Word of the Week, School Council and lunchtimes. The 3 Guiding Principles and Learning Heroes are introduced to the children via PSHE lessons in EYFS and then revisited in KS1 in lessons and assemblies. The Emotions Word of the Week is introduced at the start of each week and consolidated throughout the week.

We follow the Jigsaw scheme of work to inform our curriculum planning. This progressive and comprehensive programme teaches children to value themselves and others as well as learning mindfulness techniques to support them when learning. During these lessons, the children become familiar with the Jigsaw characters and use them to support themselves when talking about their feelings. They also use the Jigsaw chime as a tool to help them pause and regulate themselves when needed.

The Jigsaw programme covers 6 topics, each designed to be taught during a half termly period.

The topics are:

Being Me in my World

Celebrating Differences

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me


PSHE in action


Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) complements several national curriculum subjects e.g. science, PE and computing.  As a school we will draw links between the subjects and integrate teaching where appropriate. There continues to be no right of withdrawal from any part of the national curriculum.  Therefore, the RSE curriculum and health education complements the whole school approach to wellbeing and health. Parents were consulted during the development of our RSE policy.


In Early Years the children, through on-going personal, social and emotional development in accordance to the EYFS framework, learn the skills to form relationships and think about their relationships with others.


In KS1 the children as part of the statutory RSE curriculum the children are taught the following topics through the Jigsaw programme and assemblies:


Families and people who care for me

Caring friendships 

Respectful relationships 

Being safe – including online safety 

Mental wellbeing  

Physical health and fitness 

Healthy eating 

Drugs (storing household products including medicines)

 Staying Healthy

Basic First Aid 


Science Curriculum 

Early years foundation stage children learn about life cycles. 

In Key Stage 1 the children follow the National Curriculum in Science. 

In Year 1 pupils are taught to:

Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body using correct anatomical terms and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

In Year 2 pupils are taught to:

Identify the differences between male and female bodies using correct anatomical terminology.

Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grown into adults.

They find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, air, food).

Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amount of different types of food, and hygiene.
