Physical Education
At Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School we want all our children to love physical activity and therefore we use the both inside and outdoor learning to promote a healthy lifestyle. We want all children to be able to participate in a balanced and inclusive program that offers a wide range of physical activities; indoor and outdoor sports, which boosts confidence, encourages teamwork, good sportsmanship and promotes good mental health. Children will grow in physical ability, confidence and be motivated to adopt a healthy attitude towards life-long physical activity. We take part in what we have termed as "fit in fifteen" each day to encourage the children to get their heartbeat up. Our outdoor spaces in both EYFS and KS1 include the physical challenges of both climbing and balancing, to support gross motor development.
Pupils are taught about how to handle equipment and move safely within gymnastics and games. Within lessons, there is an emphasis on pupils being able to achieve their personal best, building resilience. Pupils are taught how to play fairly, creating a sense of teamwork, friendship and respect.
Staff are regularly given opportunities to take part in internal and external CPD opportunities (using a PE Teacher) which has enhanced our teachers' knowledge and understanding of a range physical activities through the use of our Sports Premium funding. The skills being taught are set out in units that are to be taught and ensure that the EYFS and National Curriculum objectives are fully met. Details of which can be found below. Within individual lessons the learning is differentiated in order to meet the needs of all pupils.
Our children have access to high quality extra curricular clubs eg. football, streetdance, mini tennis. In addition, the pupils are given opportunities to compete against each other in a controlled and safe manner mainly through Sports Day but we also take part in an inter school tournament with other local Infant Schools. Our Midday Play Leaders also support the pupils to be physical and provide the pupils with guided games.
PE Curriculum 2023/2024
What we have been learning in PE
"I like to use the big apparatus" - Nursery child
"Moving in different ways" - Whole class response to the teacher asking "What are we learning today?"
"We did dance. I was a knight" - Reception child
"We moved like snakes. I do Gymnastics on a Thursday after school too." - Reception child
"We practiced dribbling like we did last year and we are doing passing." - Year 1 child
"We have been doing happy and sad poses in dance. I was in a group." - Year 1 child
"This is a cat leap. You swap your legs over and lad on the opposite foot. We did rolls too. Eggs rolls and teddy bear rolls"- Year 2 child
"Balancing and jumps. Cat leaps and stag leaps." - Year 2 child