Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School

"love learning"

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At Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School, we aim to build the foundations for a life-long love of music through our Music Curriculum and the provision of a range of musical opportunities and experiences for our children. 


We strive to be a musical school which has music at the heart of school ethos. Through music, we seek to create a school that is happy, inclusive, vibrant and positive! We nurture and celebrate the achievements of our pupils and seek to develop the confidence of our children through a love of music. We maintain strong musical links between with our local community and Music Hub to provide enriching musical experiences for our children. 


Read our Music Development Plan to find out about implementation. 


Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School Music Development Plan 2024-2025


At Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery, our music provision:

  • instills a sense of community, pride and confidence in our children
  • enables our children to learn about the culture and history of different ethnicities around the world
  • provides opportunities for the enjoyment of music and self-expression through creating and performing. 

Instrumental Tuition

Instrumental lessons take place each week on a Tuesday in school and are offered to KS1 children.


This academic year (2024-2025), there will be opportunity to engage in cello, voice and keyboard lessons in paired or individual lessons. 


If you would like further information or to sign up for voice or keyboard, please visit:



For more information about the cello, please contact Mrs Lines:



Resources to Support and Develop Musical Learning and Understanding in the Home Environment 

Click on the links below to listen to some familiar nursery rhymes sung by children in EYFS
