At Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery school our science curriculum follows the program of study outlined in the National Curriculum. Through carefully planned and sequenced lessons, we aim to broaden and deepen our pupils’ understanding of the world. Science is taught weekly to ensure the breadth of scientific knowledge is covered in each year group. Guided by the National Curriculum teachers cover the substantive knowledge in physics, biology and chemistry topics while ensuring the disciplinary (working scientifically) skills are taught, modelled and practiced. By providing as many science related experiences as possible we are able to build the children’s scientific capital.
At Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery school, we use a variety of learning and teaching styles in order to meet the needs of all our pupils. Clear objectives from the National Curriculum are set and teachers make adaptations according to the needs of the children to ensure the objective is met and every child is challenged. Teachers are encouraged to use high quality resources such as Explorify, STEM and the BBC to ensure children have opportunities for discussion. This supports our whole school oracy curriculum.
Science Content
Science in Wheatfields
“The boat goes down the pipe fast, the water is pushing it.” Nursery child 1
“The boats move around on the water and float.” Nursery child 2
“The pigs live on a farm and a shark lives in the water.” Reception child 1
“A baby cow is a calf.” Reception child 2
“The mug is not bendy, it is smooth.” Year 1 child 1
“The tin foil would make the best rain coat, it is waterproof.” Year 1 child 2
“I sorted my materials into rough and smooth.” Year 2 child 1
“In this hoop the materials are squishy, in this hoop the materials are hard.” Year 2 child 2