Wheatfields Infants' and Nursery School

"love learning"

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News from Today


Monday, 11th May 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope that this letter finds everyone safe and well and that you managed to enjoy the warm sunshine over the weekend and had a drink to commemorate VE Day.


I am sure that following the Prime Minister’s statement yesterday evening that you, like us, will have many questions. At this point in time, schools have no more information than the general public and we await further clarification on the announcement that we may be open to both Reception and Year One pupils from June 1st, after the half term break.

In the meantime, we continue to follow the existing guidance and school will continue to be open for the children of keyworkers whose work is critical in the COVID 19 response. This has been working very well so far.

We expect that the Department for Education will be issuing more detailed information in the coming days.

Please be assured that we will be doing our utmost to be as well prepared as possible to ensure that any return to school is as safe as possible for children and staff. 

As always, we will keep you informed but for now, please try not to worry. In the meantime, we plan to continue to provide the suggested home learning activities as we have been via the weekly emails, keep in contact with our school community and support each other through these very challenging times.


Stay Safe,


Kind regards,


Miss Clare Cockburn



