FOWI Updates
Jazzy Bags are being sent home today – please look out for them in book bags.
Please fill your Jazzy bags with small fun items!
If possible make sure your Jazzy bags are suitable for both boys and girls however if the items you include would appeal more to certain children, please make it really obvious by the type of decoration on the outside of the bag!
Children in The School Council have asked that you DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FOOD OR SWEETS.
Please decorate your bags and fold down the tops.
Raffle tickets are also coming home today as well – please look out for them in book bags. Please return to the office by Friday 23rd November.
We have a number of stalls which we would appreciate donations for. These include good quality books, nearly new/very good condition toysand good quality soft toys. Please send your items to school from Friday.
The children will be having a Non-Uniform Day on Friday 23rd November in return for a donation of a bottle for the Governors’ Bottle Tombola. It doesn’t have to be alcoholic!
Class Reps will once again be asking you to volunteer for your class stall. Each slot is only 30 minutes long and the children often enjoy volunteering on their stall – they are very welcome to help you!
FOWI will ensure that there is cover for each stall at the times of the relevant year group performance, so you will not miss the wonderful singing! Please do give your time if possible- it is very much appreciated and helps us to host such a smooth-running fair.